Digital Thickness Micrometer Motorized, automatic for rapid and accurate measurement of thickness of paper. board and plastics, easy to use and single push button Operation. Digital gauge display (Mitutoyo Japan)with high accuracy, measurement direct in microns/inch.

  • Max stock: 0-10 mm
  • Resolution: 1 micron
  • Test area: 2 cm x cm
  • Steady Pressure: 1 kg/cm x cm (998.0 kpa)


This instrument is used for measuring the resistance against tearing of paper, board, plastic films and other similar materials. An initial cut is made in a set of test piece, which are then torn through a given distance.  The work done in the test piece is measured as the loss in potential energy of a pendulum which is free to swing on it horizontal axis provided with single pendulum.  A calibrated scale indicates the mean tearing force.   


  • Interchangeable pendulum for different range.
  • 0-2000 mN. (Extra Light)  
  • 0-8000 mN.  (Light, A)
  • 0-16000 mN. (Medium, B) 
  • 0-32000 mN. (Heavy, C) 
  • Tearing sample cutter. 
  • Set of calibration weights


The instruments is designed for Assess stiffness and elasticity qualities of paper, plastics, cardboard, light metallic sheets, foil and other flexible material having comparatively strong bending resistance.

The 38 mm wide specimen clamped between a vice on a balanced pendulum supported by antifriction bearing and lower end clamp on a rotating disc then Specimen is bent by 15 degree at a constant speed and when it becomes 50 mm in load length, bending moment required to bent specimen is measured in gcm unit and the stiffness of the material is determined rotation are clockwise and counter clockwise, so that stiffness can be measured in both the directions.

Measuring range : 0-5000 Stiffness Units. Triple shear cutter for sample preparation

Capacity (5 Load) : 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 g…

Power Supply :  AC 220 – 240V

Applicable standard: TAPPI 489m-69, ASTM D-747-61-T, JIS P-8185


This instrument is used for determining the Water Absorbency of Paper, Paperboard and similar material. The water absorbency of paper (the Cobb value) is defined as the quantity of water absorbed in a given time by one side of a Specified area of paper or board placed horizontally under a head of one Centimeter of Water.

The Access Water has to be removed through a Couch Roller.

This Unit is with Automatic Spring Loaded Sample Clamping System.

Extra on Demand:

Standard Blotting Paper: 200-215 GSM, Size – 200 mm x 200


This instrument is used for determining the Water Absorbency of Paper, Paperboard and similar material. The water absorbency of paper (the Cobb value) is defined as the quantity of water absorbed in a given time by one side of a Specified area of paper or board placed horizontally under a head of one Centimeter of Water. The Access Water has to be removed through a Couch Roller.

The unit is Tilting Type Lid Clamped by way of Spring Loaded Finger Grips.

Extra On Demand:

Standard Blotting Paper: 200-215 GSM, Size- 200 mm x 200 mm.


UNITECH INSTRUMENTS Cobb Tester with Built-in Couch Roller & Sliding Pad to place the Sample with absorb Papers under the fulcrum Cylinder. A Self Starting Digital Timer has attached to Record the Absorption Time, which Starts Automatically, as soon as the Pivoting Cylinder is Turned Down to conduct the Test. This Process performs the Test Cycle, Speedy & Accurately to determining the Water Absorbency of Paper, Paperboard and similar material.

The unit is Tilting Type, Lid Clamped by way of Spring Loaded Finger Grips.

Extra on Demand:

Standard Blotting Paper: 200-215 GSM, Size- 200 x 200 mm.


This equipment determines the bursting strength of corrugated fiber board & paperboard. The bursting pressure, at the time of rupture is recorded on the digital display panel as well as on the sensitive pressure gauge for cross checking the B.S. in Kg /Cm². The equipment is operated through a Key Pad mounted on the front panel, enabling to feed the GSM of paper. The results after rupture of the specimen is displayed for the average readings of bursting strength & burst factor simultaneously.

Measuring Range: 0 – 50 Kg./Cm².

Accessories on Demand:

“Rubber Membrane Diaphragms”

“Standard Reference Testing Foils”

“Glycerol Fluid”


It is designed for determining the Internal Bonding Strength of Paper, Paperboard and Laminates, by measuring the Average Energy, in Thousandths of foot Pound required to “Delaminate the Sheet Type Specimen” in two piles. The Z – directional rupture is initiated by the impact of a pendulum, having both, ”a Controlled Mass & a Controlled Velocity”. The unit consists of “Dual Capacity Pendulum” of range 0-0.25 Ft./ lbs. & 0.1-0.5 Ft./ lbs. with test result, directly readout on the calibrated scale. The Five Number Specimen Preparation Unit with different Clamping Pressures from 50 to 200 PSI.

Optional On Demand: 

1. Sample Preparation Strip Cutter Die & punch Type for Sample Strip Size – 25.4  x 152.4 mm (1.0″ x 6.0″).

2. Double sided adhesive tape of width 1” for Sample Preparation.

3. Standard Calibration Sliding Weights & its Holder.


UNITECH INSTRUMENTS Bendtsen Type Smoothness & Porosity Tester calculate the Smoothness/ Roughness & Porosity of Paper, Paper Board and other similar materials.

The Test Values obtained through the “Smoothness Measuring Head” or the Porosity Measuring Unit, are directly readout on the Imported Rota meter Tubes with Measuring range 5-150 ml/min, 50-500 ml / min, & 300-3000 ml / min which are mounted on the Main Unit.

The “controlled and Low Air Pressure” is generated through a Compressor, Specially Designed for the Equipment.


UNITECH INSTRUMENTS Oil Penetration is used for evaluate the Impregnation (Penetration) Time of Oil and other Liquids, which may be describe as, the Time in Seconds required for a Liquid of Definite Composition and Viscosity to Completely Penetrate the Sheet of Paper, from one face to the other, under certain specified conditions. The Penetration is analyse for paper and other similar materials, used for Lamination purpose. The Unitech Instruments Castor Oil Penetration Tester (COP) is provided with cooling system, Electronic PID Controller for constant Temperature Regulation and Castor Oil (Impregnating Liquid).

Accessories on Demand:

“Self Starting Digital Timer” for measurement of Penetration Time in Seconds. Measuring range up to 99,999 Seconds.


Circular Punch & Die Cutter is an excellent and convenient precision cutter for speedy and accurate cutting of specimen for the determination of Basis Weight (GSM) without any Deformation and Damage. The Punch Cutter has a high capacity and several layers of paper profile can be punched out in one operation simultaneously. Sample Size-100 cm2 area.

Other cut sizes are also available as per customer requirement.


The Quadrant Scale is intended for measuring the Basis Weight (GSM) of Paper and other sheet materials by weighing a small Test Sample with given dimensions. Scales are calibrated to Precision Dead Weights. This accuracy is maintained as long as the pendulum returns to its original form and is kept free from corrosion, distortion, or other causes, which may affect its weight and balance. 

GSM measuring range is available for 0 -125 GSM / 250 GSM / 500 GSM & 1000 GSM.

Optional on Demand:

Sample Preparation Template of Sizes: 10 cm x 10 cm / 20 cm x 25 cm


The UNITECH INSTRUMENTS Precision Test Strip Punch & Die Cutters are intended for accurate and rapid preparation of test pieces for use in Ring Crush Test, Folding Endurance Schopper, Ply Bond Test and other similar tests without any deformation and damage. It is suitable for cutting Test Samples from paper and paperboard.


1.For Ring Crush Test (RCT) – Cut size: 12.7 x 152.4 mm.(1/2″ x 6.0″)

2.For Folding Endurance (SCHOPPER Type) Test – Cut size: 15 x 100 mm.

3.For Ply Bond Test – Cut size: 25.4 x 152.4 mm.(1.0″ x 6.0″)

4.For Short Span Test ( SCT) – Cut size: 15 x 150 mm.



This instrument is used for Testing the Smoothness, Porosity and Softness of Paper and Paper Products by determining the Time, necessary for a “Certain Volume of Air” to flow through the “Inserted Sample”, under a “Low Uniform pressure”.


Unitech Instruments Single Column Tensile Tester is Microprocessor Based with operational through Key Pad. It provides rapid and efficient determination of Tensile Strength, Stretch (Elongation) & Breaking Length (BL) of Paper, Tissue Paper and Paperboard. 

For testing of Tissue Papers, Load Cell of low capacity & specially designed Soft Clamps are provided which prevent Test Pieces from Slipping or Tearing during measurements. The Equipment is provided with the standard “Sample Clamping Jaws” of 15 mm Size



The UNITECH INSTRUMENTS Thickness Micrometer performs Rapid and Accurate Measurement of Thickness for Paper, Board and Plastics under a steady pressure of 1.0 Kg/ cm² (98.0 Kpa.). The Equipment is motorized, easy to use with “Single Push Button” operation and the Digital Display through an “Imported Add-On Type Optical Transducer” with Resolution 0.001 mm. / 0.01 mm.

The “THICKNESS MICROMETER FOR TISSUE PAPER” and other Soft Materials is also provided with a Steady Pressure of 0.2 kg Dead Weight Load over 10 cm² Surface Area. 

Equipment CategoryPaper Testing Instruments
Weight12.0 kg.
Dimension30.5 X 15.0 X 43.5 cm.
Applicable StandardsSCAN P 7, SCAN P 47, TAPPI T411, CPPA D.4, ISO 534, ISO 3034, FEFCO No.3, DIN 53105, BS 3983, BS 4817


This instrument is used for measuring the Resistance against Tearing of Paper, Board, Plastic Films and other similar materials. The Pendulum which is free to swing on its horizontal axis with a calibrated scale mounted on it, which indicates the Mean Tearing Force. The main Unit is provided with single pendulum. 

Extra on Demand: 

“Tearing Sample Cutter”

“Set of Calibration Check Weights”

“Interchangeable Pendulum for different range”

1.Extra Light-A/4 (0-2000 m N)

2.Light-A (0-8000 m N)

3.Medium-B (0-16000 m N)

4.Heavy-C(0-32000 m N)

5.Extra Heavy-D (0-64000 m N

Equipment CategoryPaper Testing Instruments
WeightMain Unit with Pendulum “B” – 22.500 Kg.
Dimension“Main Unit with Single Pendulum”- 45.0 x 23.0 x 50.0 cm.
Applicable StandardsSCAN P 11, TAPPI T414, CPPA D.9, ISO 1974, BS 4468, DIN 53128, APPITA/AS 1301.400


This is the optimum equipment for determining the bursting strength of paperboard, corrugated board or solid fiberboard material. The specimen is tightened by screw clamping through rotation of wheel handle. The bursting pressure, at the time of rupture is recorded on a sensitive pressure gauge which indicates the test results in Kg /Cm² or in PSI units. Measuring Range – 0 to 50 Kg./cm².

Accessories on Demand:

“Rubber Membrane Diaphragms”

“Standard Reference Testing Foils”

“Glycerol Fluid”

“Double Pressure Gauge Assembly for fitting of Extra Bourdon Pressure Gauge” 

“Standard Pressure Gauges with Set Point Indicator, Range 0 – 10/14/21/42/70 Kg/cm².”


This instrument is used for determining the Water Absorbency of Paper, Paperboard and similar material. The water absorbency of paper is defined as the quantity of water absorbed in a given time by one side of a Specified area of paper or board placed horizontally under a head of one Centimeter of Water. The Access Water has to be removed through a Couch Roller.

The unit is Tilting Type Lid Clamped by way of Spring Loaded Finger Grips.

Extra On Demand:

Standard Blotting Paper: 200-215 GSM, Size- 200 mm x 200 mm.

Equipment CategoryPaper Testing Instruments
Weight13.100 Kg.
DimensionMain Unit – 29.0 x 15.0 x 22.5 cm., Accessory – Couch Roller – 12.5 x 20.0 x 53.0 cm.
Applicable StandardsISO 535, SCAN P12, DIN 53132, TAPPI T 441, EN 20535, PAPTAC F.2


It is designed for determining the Internal Bonding Strength of Paper, Paperboard and Laminates, by measuring the Average Energy, in Thousandths of foot Pound required to “Delaminate the Sheet Type Specimen” in two piles. The Z – directional rupture is initiated by the impact of a pendulum, having both, ”a Controlled Mass & a Controlled Velocity”. The unit consists of “Dual Capacity Pendulum” of range 0-0.25 Ft./ lbs. & 0.1-0.5 Ft./ lbs. with test result, directly readout on the calibrated scale. The Five Number Specimen Preparation Unit with different Clamping Pressures from 50 to 200 PSI.

Optional On Demand: 

1. Sample Preparation Strip Cutter Die & punch Type for Sample Strip Size – 25.4  x 152.4 mm (1.0″ x 6.0″).

2. Double sided adhesive tape of width 1” for Sample Preparation.

3. Standard Calibration Sliding Weights & its Holder.

Instrument CategoryPaper Testing Instruments
Weight41.300 Kg
Dimension58.0 x 31.5 x 56.5 cm.
Applicable StandardsTAPPI T 569, T 833 pm -94

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